New Version of Project Tracking
/ New Version of Project Tracking

New Version of Project Tracking

New Version of  Project Tracking

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the RELEX booth at the annual IT expo SofTool 2009 where we will present our latest developments in the field of data warehousing, processing and security.

Besides the new versions of DBMS Linter, a prototype of the new integrated project management system "Project Tracking 2.0" will be presented.

Project Tracking 2.0 is a unique system that enables you to plan and control the entire project development process: target setting, work planning, requirement management, staging, man-hours reporting, communication with contractors etc. PT 2.0 also includes modules that help to organize full-scale interaction with customers: resources, products, contacts, documents etc. Besides, the system can be integrated with MS Project and the popular development environment Eclipse.

Also, we would like to note that the new PT is ideally suited both for those using agile methods and for companies who stick to classic software development methodologies.

See you at SofTool 2009 (Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center, Pavillion 69, Booth Е20, October 27 - 30).

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