RELEX Has Carried Out the Work on the Project “Electronic Tchernozemie”
/ RELEX Has Carried Out the Work on the Project “Electronic Tchernozemie”

RELEX Has Carried Out the Work on the Project “Electronic Tchernozemie”

RELEX Has Carried Out
the Work on the Project
“Electronic Tchernozemie”

The RELEX team has completed the research and development work on the design documentation of the “Electronic Tchernozemie” system developed as part of the target program “Innovation activities in the Voronezh region during 2009-2012”.

As part of the work, RELEX has implemented two large-scale projects for the Voronezh Regional Department of Industry, Communication and Innovation:

  1. development of the design documentation for the information system “Electronic Business Contracting” (business-to-business computer-aided communication);
  2. developing the functional modules of the information system “Electronic Services to Citizens” and its subsystems:
  • «Electronic card register»;
  • «Automatic payment system for public transport»;
  • «Automated housing services charging system»;
  • «Remote learning system»;
  • «IP television services system».

The development of innovation activities and potential of the Voronezh region in IT is not only one of the main goals of the regional authorities, it should be the goal of each IT company in the region.

RELEX Group plans to continue the cooperation with the regional authorities, participating in new projects as part of the target programs of the Voronezh regional government in the sphere of IT. The next stage is the implementation and deployment of the systems “Electronic Business Contracting” and “Electronic Services to Citizens”.

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