Russian Railway Institute Is Interested in Using Linter Database
/ Russian Railway Institute Is Interested in Using Linter Database

Russian Railway Institute Is Interested in Using Linter Database

Russian Railway Institute Is Interested in Using Linter Database
A meeting devoted to DBMS Linter took place at Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and Telecommunications on Railway Transport, the head Russian railway research institute on July 23, 2015. The representatives of RELEX Mikhail Ermakov and Alexey Baranov made a presentation on the advantages of DBMS Linter, projects in which Linter is actually used, and migration process. Representatives of one of major Russian system integrators “Technoserv” were also present at the meeting. The institute team expressed their wish to use Linter in various systems at the Russian railways. At the first stage, it is planned to create a testing unit, migrate one of the applications and check the system performance under the new conditions. Upon successful testing, a plan of migration to Linter will be developed.

DBMS Linter is developed in Russia since 1990 and guarantees stability and security in data storage and processing. 
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