RELEX in the ITOPC Coordination Committee
/ RELEX in the ITOPC Coordination Committee

RELEX in the ITOPC Coordination Committee

RELEX in the ITOPC Coordination Committee

On April 17-18, the conference “Information Technology in the Defense Industry Complex” (ITOPC) was held in Moscow. The executives of defense industry enterprises, representatives of state organs, researchers and leading Russian software manufacturers took part in the conference.

The participants of the conference discussed the important issues that stand before the defense industry enterprises, such as corporate IT structure development strategies, software selection criteria, import substitution and implementation of It systems.

RELEX Group acted as a conference partner and took an active part in the round table talk “IT Products for the Defense Industry Complex: Problems and Possibilities” where the prospects of the Russian IT in the defense industry complex, information security issues and extension of using Russian software products in the defense industry were discussed.

As a result of the round table discussion, the ITOPC Coordination Committee was formed, uniting the Russian software vendors, executives of military industry companies and regulation authorities. The goal of the Coordination Committee is to develop cooperation between the state organs, military enterprises and software vendors. At the first Committee meeting, the defense industry IT development document was drafted. The draft will be submitted to the Russian government.

At the exhibition held as part of the conference, the RELEX team presented the company’s flagship product, DBMS Linter BASTION intended for use in systems with high information security requirements, including top secret data handling. RELEX software products aroused a vivid interest among the conference participants.

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